oa The Octave School of Music - NOLA Family Directory
NOLA Family Directory

The Octave School of Music


2219 Athania Pkwy
Metairie, LA 70001


The Octave School of Music was established in 2018 to give great lessons to everyone. We offer classes for the young, old, special needs, and the homeschool community. Too many music classes are held without passion for the student, and without any interest in what the student wants. Every student is different, and their lessons should match them. Our motto is simple, ‘Play What You Like. Like What You Play.’

We pride ourselves in an easygoing atmosphere, and no-stress lessons. Not sure what you want to play? No problem, we’ll give you a suggestion based on your skill level. Have you been dying to play one of those Taylor Swift songs? We have you, and a lot of other people, covered. We can bring your skill up to where the song is, or the song to your level depending on what works best. There’s more than one way to learn, and we find the right way for our students one class at a time.

We have added a lot of great instructors over the years. Many of them have Masters degrees in music or are currently working towards one. Our wonderful teaching staff allows us to operate with earlier hours, and into the evening until 8pm. Lessons can begin here at 11am if you’re an early bird. Music works as a great elective for homeschool students, and we’re happy to offer it here.

Our teachers will get you ready for our bi-annual recitals to showcase your talent. At our recitals you get to show off your skills, get an awesome certificate, and stop for a photo op. All of our recitals are completely optional and there’s no fee to be a part of them.

We are a family owned business with Jay and Angelle Broussard both being alumni of the ULL music program. Angelle was the business side and Jay was the teaching side. It was a match made in musical heaven. Jay had already been teaching music since 2012 at MAA and Our Lady of Fatima School before the move was made to Metairie. Jay is the eighth (and youngest) child in his family, so that’s where The Octave gets its name from. As well as being a nice jumpy musical term.

The Octave was started from absolute scratch, and that may be the craziest fact of all. It was a new town with new people, and only sheer determination to make it happen. We have grown thanks to our wonderful students telling people how much they enjoy their lessons here. When we started we knew that we had the right idea. What better place to teach music than New Orleans? The musical culture here is second to none. We’re excited to be runner up for best music program and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. Until then we’ll keep doing what we love to do. Teach great lessons to great people.